May 2021


BUFALINA DUE | Made it back in April, for the first time since they first opened. Check out both the pizza website and wine website.

BUTLER PITCH AND PUTT | Casual golf, food, and drink—my ideal combo. It’s back, now with bites by Olamaie’s Chef Michael Fojtasek.

KING BEE + GOLDEN CASTLE | King Bee reopened in mid-April with new owners. Eager to try Golden Castle, which is now out back.

LICHA’S | A little over a year since I’ve visited. Ping me if you’d like to go.

VINAIGRETTE | Invited by a friend in April and unfortunately couldn’t make it. The space is fantastic for spring in Austin. If I recommend a “salad place”, it’s good.

WATERTRADE | The cocktail bar with bites from Otoko. I have a res for two on June 18th at 5:45—get ahold of me if you’d like to be my plus-one!

SHOAL CREEK SALOON | Wonderful for April and May cajun. Swing by for crawfish. It’s home base for Saints and Tigers fans.

UCHIKO | Invite me when you go! More info here.

Commodore Perry’s patio, which I visited twice in November


THE FUTURE OF EDIBLES IS ARTISANAL | Not breaking news by any means, but a solid read for those of you curious about the future of food and plant medicine and how edibles play a role.

GOOD APPLE FOODS | Delivered to your door, $30 per week for enough local produce for two people. It also pays for a box for someone who needs it. Use this code for $10 off: AzZcvBS7EKztDIC4. Find it here.

@KRYSTALCMACK | New to my radar, a brilliant addition to the food writing scene.

MYCRO | A brand for which I’m working. I’d never heard of adaptogenic mushroom honeys until mycro existed. Let me talk you into it—promise it’s worth it. Buy it for yourself, your mother, your friends, etc.

@NATASHAPICKOWICZ | A girl crush of mine. Recently partnered with Gossamer and Rose Los Angeles, and featured her mother’s sketches on the box.

ONLY SALT CO | Mother Tongue approved, Only Salt creates plastic-free salts for daily cooking.


I created this category for affiliate marketing to support my website. If you’re considering purchasing the below, please use the links to add them to your cart! Long-term, it’ll leave me with a bigger budget for brand growth. If any of you have websites that you recommend for affiliate marketing, send them my way. Amazon isn’t my first pick, but it’s a start.

BRAIDING SWEETGRASS BY ROBIN WALL KIMMERER | A summary of her philosophy by “The awakening of a wider ecological consciousness requires the acknowledgment and celebration of our reciprocal relationship with the rest of the living world.” Read more.

COOK THIS BOOK BY MOLLY BAZ | The cookbook to have this spring, and likely for years to come.

NONG’S KHAO MAN GAI SAUCE | Supposed to be incredible. I look forward to opening my bottle of it.


“A good chef imports an ingredient from the other side of the globe because it makes sense—not for its novelty value or its rarity. Why bother to make Mexican food in London if the end result is nothing but soulless sour-tasting caulking compound? Why spend hundreds of thousands of dollars creating a fashionable ersatz dim-sum emporium and then bleed out al the happy sloppy informality that makes the dim-sum experience so much fun?” — Anthony Bourdain, The Nasty Bits

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes.” — Anne Lamott


My Prime Day Picks


April 2021